For young people and students in Sonderborg
Are you a young person considering moving to Sonderborg? Maybe you already live here?
In the area of Sonderborg there are plenty of possibilities in regards to education, student housing, activities and an international and active student environment, where you can meet other young people.
Practical information
Here you can find all the information you need as a newcomer to the Sønderborg area. Fx where to get your yellow card, borgerservice, important phone number etc.

Information about life in Denmark
Here you can learn about Denmark in general, danish history and fx danish tradition, laws, etc. You can also find information about the process of moving to Denmark – what is good to know before, during and after moving to Denmark.
Well being
Here you can find help to strengthen your mental well being.

Our educations
In Sonderborg, all types of education are within reach – all the way from ABC to Ph.D. Within the elementary and secondary schools, the Sonderborg area offers a wealth of opportunities.
With nine youth and higher education institutions, Sonderborg is a hub for education in Southern Jutland.
Why study in Sonderborg?
The Sonderborg area is absolutely fantastic and we give you four good reasons why you should choose the Sonderborg area to study and live.

Mejeriet - Youth Culture Center
Mejeriet is Sonderborg’s youth culture center for young people between the age of 15 and 30.
Mejeriet is your sanctuary. Come by and take part in one of our activities, the food community, do your homework, meet other young people and / or bring friends to hang out, go to concerts, do creative things or whatever you may like.
If you have ideas on how to improve Mejeriet, we would love to hear from you, because Mejeriet is a house made by young people – for young people.
Practical information for students
Do you need more information regarding SU (The Danish students’ Grants and Loans Scheme), the Youth Card (ungdomskort), housing benefits and more?

Student housing
It is not difficult for students to find a good, affordable place to live in Sonderborg. Sonderborg has a fair amount of student housing – for example around 800 dorm rooms and apartments – and the selection of regular, privately owned apartments in Sonderborg is quite good.
Read more about the dorms at StudieBolig Syd’s website or on their facebook page.
Student jobs
If you are looking for a student job, an internship during your studies or a company to write your thesis in collaboration with, it is usually a good idea to contact the company directly. Most often, an unsolicited application describing what you can do for the company may be enough to get your foot inside the door.
Current student jobs, internships and thesis topics can be viewed at SDUs Jobbank, the EASV jobbank or Studiejob Danmark.

Networks for young people
There are plenty of possibilities to have an active network in the Sonderborg area;
many associations and networks are especially for young people.
Sønderborg Student Foundation (SSF)
SSF is an organization of voluntary young students working to create an optimal environment for you as a student. In addition to organizing and planning projects and events, SSF makes a strong effort to create relationships across educations, organizations, students and interests.
SSF is located at Mejeriet, where you can attend or organize events such as workshops, movie nights, sports events or other events.
Sønderborg Youth Council (SUR)
The Sønderborg Youth Council (Sønderborg Ungdomsråd – SUR) is a council consisting of 15 members from the age of 15 years who live in the Sonderborg area. The Council gives the young people of Sonderborg political influence, and here they can be heard and express themselves.
SUR is in charge of a fund, where young people can apply for support to different activities, events, initiatives and the like. You can find the application at the council’s Facebook page or by e-mailing the council. Feel free to ask questions, if for example you would like to join the youth council.
Europæisk Ungdom Syd- & Sønderjylland
An association that works towards more information and debate about EU.
Intro Team SDU Alsion
An association that welcomes new students to Alsion by introducing them to each other and the surroundings of Sonderborg. They also run the Café at Alsion.
EYP Denmark - Sonderborg
EYP is an independent organization, which works with young, European citizens.
SDU Model United Nations
A network among all SDU institutions, where students can gain a better knowledge of the political challenges of the world through the Model United Nations.
SILBA Sønderborg
SILBA promotes democracy and makes social and educational events and activities for all young people in the Sønderborg area
DFUNK Sønderborg
DFUNK – Danish refugeehelp youth is a Danish youth organization, which is here for youth that sre refugees. We work to create safe, stabil and developing communities for youth, that are refugees
Ventilen Sønderborg
Are you between 15 and 25 years, and do you feel lonely or do you need somebody to hang out with, then Ventilen Sønderborg might be something for you
Other ways to meet people
If you would like to meet new people while participating in fun activities, it may be a good idea to sign up for a leisure activity or do volunteer work.
Newcomer Service Sønderborg offers events for newcomers. Read more about their activities on their facebook page.
If you are between the age of 14 and 18, you can also join Sonderborg Youth School, where young people have fun, play games and sing karaoke.