Free webinar: Living and working in Denmark
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to […]
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to […]
Could you use some practical help and guidance on how to successfully search for a job in Denmark? Workindenmark invites […]
Dansk Café is a regular meeting for people who want to learn and help each other with practicing Danish. It […]
Første møde i Alliancen for Social Ansvarlighed finder sted d. 27. februar hos Schmidts Rengøring, Egelykke 3, 6400 Sønderborg Program […]
Möchtest du gerne nach Sønderborg/Süddänemark ziehen und hier arbeiten? Dann schaue am 10. März 2025 bei Sønderborgs Zuzügler- und Jobmesse […]
Are you looking for a job in the Sønderborg-area? Then come to our Job Fair in Sønderborg on March 10th […]
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to […]
Could you use some practical help and guidance on how to successfully search for a job in Denmark? Workindenmark invites […]
Dansk Café is a regular meeting for people who want to learn and help each other with practicing Danish. It […]
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to […]
Could you use some practical help and guidance on how to successfully search for a job in Denmark? Workindenmark invites […]
Dansk Café is a regular meeting for people who want to learn and help each other with practicing Danish. It […]
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to […]
Could you use some practical help and guidance on how to successfully search for a job in Denmark? Workindenmark invites […]
Dansk Café is a regular meeting for people who want to learn and help each other with practicing Danish. It […]
Fagenes Fest Sønderborg er en hyldest til vores dygtige faglærte unge, som i løbet af året modtager deres svendebrev. Det […]